Morgan Lee Lander was born on Jan 6, 1982 in Ontairo, Canada.
She's got piercings in both nostrils, in her left eyebrow and in ears.
She uses to play a Gibson Flying V Gothic Series and Mesa Boogie Double REctifier Amp. Her fav song
to play is Brackish. The first cover she learnt to play was Yesterday, by The Beatles.

Mercedes Lander was born in Jenuary 25, 1984. She's Morgan's sister and she's 5'6.
She's got a purple star below her belly button and several other that i don't know. And several piercings too, including labret,
right eyebrow, tongue, nostril and 2 identical in each ear. And finally, her fav wrestler is The Undertaker.

Jennifer J. Arroyo as born on 3-10-? in Staten Island, NY. She worked with Open
Defiance and Spine. She uses to play a Warwick 5 string Corvette Pro-Line Series, Morley bass Wah, & Boss Pedals. Jen
tells her story...
Well.. my story is pretty simple.. I'm from Staten island, NY. I moved from there to the D.C. area
and jammed out with some hardcore bands.. one night my old band "open defiance" played with SPiNE at a club right outside
of D.C. and less than a week later they asked me to join the group.
It was pretty much perfect timing since we had
just let go of our guitarist and were searching around for one. Plus, I was a HUGE SPiNE fan to begin with.. much like Kittie.
I met the ladies at FARMCLUB, the T.V. show that ran for a couple months on the USA Network. We played with Kittie
(duh), Queens of the Stone Age, and Disturbed. It was a great night and we all got along really well and always kept in
Fast forward a year and a half later.. SPiNE gets signed and releases "NON VIOLENT OFFENDER" and tours and tours..
small clubs, ya know the deal. ;) We even did a video for the song "NON VIOLENT OFFENDER"
It never got released
because our singer decided that he didn't want to play "heavy" music anymore.. so, basically we break up in Sept of 2001.
Bossier, Mike Spiers and myself form a group called "Audio Terror Regime" with a new singer named Jeremy.
Then, I get
a phone call saying that Talena has decided to leave Kittie and am I up to the task to come and throwdown?
The answer
is obvious. :)
I had two days to get my life in order and headed right to London Ontario CANADA.
That's pretty
much exactly how everything went.. it's definetly a dream come true.. and everything sounds fucking awesome.. and I can't
wait for everyone to see Kittie NOW. :)
Huge thanks to Jennifer for taking the time to write this up for me.
